22Fresh - Maintaining an elevated customer experience during COVID 19
Spire Small Business Series, Episode #2 was an amazing interview with one of our favourites, Kip Simon of 22Fresh.
22Fresh has always been a leader in Online Retail and Experiential Retail in their flagship store in Regina. During our interview, Kip speaks humbly about using the extra time that he currently has to “get curious” about his business.
In addition to some of the calls Kip is making to thank his customers personally for supporting his business, he is actually making some calls to ask his customers questions about why they are choosing to support his business. I am, personally, super inspired by that idea! Have you, as a small business owner, ever taken the time to really ask your customers exactly why they chose to work with you? What exactly made them pull the trigger? Or even just made an authentic phone call, to genuinely thank them for supporting your business? If there was ever a time to call anyone and just give them a genuine thank you, it’s now.
In addition to curiosity about the business, Kip and his team have been working hard to maintain an amazing customer experience at their retail location. His team is running curb-side pick up “as efficiently as a McDonald’s drive through” to quote him directly! They’ve also opened up some space in their store and ordered set up lighting to up their game with their tiktok videos! What!?
Follow along @22fresh on insta, tiktok, facebook and more and check out what some true COVID hustle looks like!
Thanks for your time today, Kip!